Tired of Waiting

9:22 PM

I'm not good at introductions so I'm just going to go straight to my point. Waiting sucks. I once read somewhere, "patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting." I couldn't agree more. Waiting really isn't for everybody, but there are just things that take time so we don't really have a choice. In our generation, time is one of the most precious things you could ever have. Nobody wants wasted time.

But there are really things that take time. Growth, education, investments, progress, among many things. It takes years before a regular human being becomes a full-grown adult. It takes a few days before a seed becomes a sprout, and eventually grows to become a beautiful flower ready to bloom at its own time. I am not an expert of time, but this I know for sure, everything blooms in its perfect time. And the time between the growth? That's the real challenge. How do you maximize the time that you have before you bloom? Because you can't just sit pretty and wait for yourself to bloom without doing anything.

We can relate this to so many aspects in our lives, but I'm just going to choose one which is waiting for God's Best. Why this of all other topics? Well, something triggered me to write something about it and I just need to get this out of my system. I don't know why but suddenly I received a message from my best friend that goes something like this: "Wag mo masyadong i-love ang single life, the Lord will give you the best person." I mean! Yes, she may be just concerned about me and stuff but I was kind of taken aback since it came out of nowhere. It sounded to me like she thinks I'm being too comfortable being single. I replied to her saying that there's not much to do but enjoy the single life while waiting for God's best. Which is true. You can't "wait" while worrying when He will give you His best. You can't "wait" while worrying you're the only single person in your group of friends. YOU CAN'T WAIT AND WORRY. They don't go well together. So how do you wait and NOT worry?

PRAY for your God's Best. God already has someone for you but you still have to pray for that person. There are already so many stories that I've heard about people really praying for His Best and Him giving His Best to them. And this is all because prayer is such a powerful thing! What should you pray for for your God's best? Start with your list of NON-NEGOTIABLES. These are traits or characteristics that you shouldn't compromise in a relationship. The best example would be praying that He is God-fearing. Then you can also ask Him for your NEGOTIABLES, or traits that you're  okay God's Best doesn't have, like being handsome. LOL. For me, I always ask God to give me someone who fears Him, has a relationship with Him, who will bring me even closer to Him, and someone who is pleasing to the eyes(aka gwapo, lol), and someone who's smart and who will make me laugh. I also think that it is important for us to pray for our GB's well-being, and for God to mold and prepare that person to become His Best for us.

PRAY for yourself. You can't just pray for your GB. You also have to pray that God will also mold and prepare you to become His Best for your GB. I think praying for your molding and preparation is as important as praying for your GB, because it would be like helping your GB praying for their GB. Pray for a patient heart as you wait for God to give you His best in His perfect timing. And pray for God to guard your heart from anything that will distract it from waiting for His best. 

TRUST His timing. Nothing in this world in accidental. You being single is not an accident. God has a reason on why you are still single. And that reason could be you're not ready. Or your GB's not ready. Or you both aren't ready yet, you're both still being molded and prepared by Him. Whatever reason, you have to trust in God's timing. Trust that God has already written a perfect love story for you and your God's best. 

TRUST His Best. If you've ever felt like God isn't going to give you a lifetime partner (ever), you're not alone. Yes, sometimes I even wonder if God will ever give me His best. But I realized that it's like doubting Him and His plans for my life. In my entire lifetime, I can testify that God gives me something that I really desire most and I believe that if you really desire someone to grow old with and grow a family with, God will give you exactly His best for you. Always remember Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." 

LIVE with no worries! The problem-free philosophy, Hakuna Matata. Actually, this point is pretty simple when you've already trusted that the Lord will give you His best in His perfect timing. When you have that kind of mindset, you're worry-free! Don't get pressured by your friends, relatives, co-workers. Pressure will only lead you to getting involved in a wrong relationship, and you wouldn't want that, now would you?

I'm not an expert at any of these, so you know, I can't really convince you to do any of them. These are just what I believe I should do (and I am currently doing) while I patiently pray and wait for His best. Don't get tired of waiting because when it's time for God's perfect timing, everything will fall into place and everything will all be worth the wait. Don't get tired of waiting and praying and trusting!

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