How I Feel About 2015

7:41 AM

So I know this is my "travel blog" or whatever, but I just feel the need to blog about my feelings about 2015 since it's almost ending. Warning: This might be a bit lengthy, and sorry, no pictures for this post.

This year has been one of the best years of my life. Mostly because I got to travel to another country, and because I finally finished and survived hell, also known to normal people as "college". But this year had also been one of the saddest years in my 21 years of existence, because of some unfortunate events that have happened this year. If I were to describe 2015 in one word, it would probably be " crazy" or "rollercoaster" (OK, maybe roller coaster isn't one word). So brace yourself as I tell you more about the events of my 2015, that made my year craaaay.

My mom turned 50 this year. I don't know but I just feel the need to count this event in. She celebrated her birthday with a party. At first, she really didn't want to have a party, but figured, "why not? I am going to turn 50 , which is such a milestone, and it's such a blessing and it would be a waste not to celebrate it with people I love." I got in charge with the invitation design and the tarpaulin and the program because duh, I'm the bestest daughter on Earth. Lol. But unfortunately, not all her friends and family can make it mostly because they live in another archipelago and some are in another country. But we, her kids, did not want her to be sad for birthday, so we asked friends and family in Cebu, Bohol, Manila, USA, NZ, etc. to videotape themselves greeting my mom a happy birthday. And these friends and family were so cooperative that it made me very happy for my mom. I was so proud to have pulled this video thing off... When we showed this during her party, I was so happy for my mom who was really surprised with the video. I also made a video presentation for my mom which I poured out all my artsy skills, and I was proud of the result. So, yeah, one of the best things this year is making my mom happy. I love her so much.

Graduation. Finally, freedom from stress! I'm the kind of girl who doesn't want to not graduate on time, so I was really happy when all of the grades for all my subjects finally showed up, and I passed everything! Second sem has been really hard for me. But I made it, with God's guidance and everything. What also made this a happy memory of 2015 was that I get to graduate with some of my friends especially my college best friend (who I'm really thankful for because she became my bestest friend ever, we're kind of like soulmates, I love her! Hi gaw if you're reading this, lol). But I'm also kind of sad because trusting means going out and face reality that is unemployment (lol). Also because graduating means I won't get to see much of my friends anymore, well, at least not everyday anymore. I know people tell me friends in college are temporary, buy I disagree. They're only temporary if you let them be. But if you're bonded with a strong friendship, your girlfriends will be your girlfriends for life, even if that means not being able to see them for a very long time. So yeah, I graduated and it's one of the best things that happened in my 2015.

Death of a loved one. My graduation is a memorable one, not just because I graduated, but also because the day after I officially graduated, my grandmother passed away. She was diagnosed of bile cancer on July last year, after so!e chemotherapy, she was feeling better. But apparently, the cancer went back, but she kept on fighting. And my only prayer? Was that she would make it to my graduagion. Because I really wanted her to witness me graduating, wanted her to be proud of me. The day before my baccalaureate mass, we visited her at the ICU, where she was because it got really serious already. *tries not to try as I recall the memory* I remember what she told me that day, "I'm so proud of you. Sorry I can't be there with you physically, but know that I'll be there with you in your heart." I was trying not to cry because my da told me it would weaken my grandmother...but I couldn't help it. That was the last thing she ever told me. The day after my graduation, she was already dying. My mom called me on my phone at 3am (I didn't even know they left), and I knee something was wrong, but I just prayed and believed that everything was okay. She told me to go to the hospital with my brother, who was accompanying my lolo (mom's side) in a hotel. When we got there, all my cousins were already there along with my aunts and uncles... Something was really wrong. It turns out, our grandmother was already like in a coma or something, and my mom told me to say something to Lola, because even though she couldn't talk anymore, they said she could still hear. So I told her to stay strong, and that I loved her so much, and that I was thankful for her that she made it to my graduation. We read her Bible verses, sung to her songs, and her favorite Jewish song. But at around 7am, God finally allowed her to rest. I will never forget that day... We buried her remains in Mati, but we kept her beautiful soul in our hearts.

Trips to places I've never been. I never really had a legit summer vacations ever since college started, because I had to take summer classes for my course, which sucks, but also okay because I get to be with friends. So this year, with my family, we went to the east coast of Davao Oriental. The first time for most of us. We went to beautiful natural attractions, like the hot spring, and the now famous, Aliwagwag Falls. I also got the opportunity to go to Surigao del Sir with some of my cousins, and my parents. We went to the beautiful Enchanted river, and Tinuy-an falls. It was really nice going to these places.

Turning 21 on the 21st. For me, it's kind of a big deal when you turn into the date of your birthday. Not that I'm spoiled and bratty, but when I turned 21 on the 21st of my birthday month, well I didn't feel that special. Lol. But don't get me wrong, I was thankful for my aunt who prepared a wonderful lunch, and for my lolo (my granny's brother) for making me a sketch of my face...but it wasn't the same, my parents weren't there, my brothers weren't there... So much for my 21st birthday. But still, I felt blessed because my cousins (who are like siblings to me) were there to celebrate it with me. But that night, I was all alone. Sooo lonely... Way to end your 21st birthday... Yay? Okay.

Out of the country! One of the highlights of my 2015 is finally being able to travel out of the country. First time, yay! Explored to a lot of beautiful places, and experienced one of the most beautiful seasons, made new friends. It's such a beautiful experience and I'm ending my 2015 not in the Philippines, so it's kind of a big deal for me. So yay! Can't wait for the other states I'll be going to in the next few days/ weeks/ months before I go back home!

🎶 "I [won't] be home for Christmas..." 🎶 I've had a very American Christmas. Sure, we had noche Buena on Christmas Eve, but after that, we didn't stay up til 12 midnight to open presents, not like in the Philipines. Because my cousins still believe in Santa Claus, and yes, they sleep before 12 to let Santa do his job. When I went to bed, I realized how I miss my family so much, especially my parents. It's my first Christmas without them, and it's kind of sad... But I'm still thankful for my relatives here. But nothing beats spending Christmas with your family.

So far, these are the events that have made my 2015 beautiful. So that's how my 2015 went. Lots of happy and sad things in between, but all in all,  it's one of the best years in my life. And to answer my post's title? Well, I feel like I'm on a roller coaster. Sorry if that sounded too cliché, but I really feel that way. God blessed me so much this year and I'm really thankful for the priceless things he allowed me to experience. I hope for more adventures next year.

 I don't know if it's lengthy, but thank you for reading my post up to this part. You're an awesome person because of that. And I hope you had a wonderful 2015, and I wish you a very happy new year! Make the most of 2016! God bless you!

Cheers to a wonderful 2015, and for a beautiful new year!

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