Strawberry Picking

12:08 AM

Hey you! First off, I apologize for the ugly blog post header. It's because I uninstalled my photoshop because of some reason, but I'm gonna re-install it when I have the time, and when I do, I promise to change this very plain and ugly header. If you like it, then thank you, but if not, I'm so sorry you just have to learn to be contented, 'kay? 

EDIT: I've changed my post header! Now it's better than the previous one which you will never ever see in this blog ever again. LOL.

So anyway... throwback to February 9 of this year, 'twas my little cuzzo's birthday! We had a family-only dinner party with some delish Filipino food that my aunt prepared, and some ice cream cake that was the star of the party that evening. Four days after (which was a Saturday), my aunt decided to throw him a party, with his friends and with the family. That morning, we headed to Bedner's Farm Fresh Market to pick some strawberries for later's chocolate fondue! It was gonna be my first time picking strawberries. 

To be honest, the first time I ate a strawberry, which was in Baguio, I didn't really like it. That's because I was TOO YOUNG to appreciate the beautiful taste of strawberries! Or maybe Baguio's strawberries aren't that good that time. LOL. But anyway, I gave strawberries another chance and when I tried it again... boy, were they the best tasting fruits I've ever tasted in my whole entire life. Seriously, that was the day I decided to change my favorite fruit to strawberry and became obsessed with strawberries. Okay, this was before the strawberry picking, so you can just tell how giddy and excited I was on the way to Bedner's. 

When the picking finally started, I was overjoyed at how many strawberries were there, waiting to be picked. There were, of course, rotten ones. I reckon it's because they were overriped? I don't really know. But anyway, we picked lots and lots of strawberries, different shapes and different sizes. I really had fun picking those pretty strawberries with my cousins. It was like looking for gems in a sea of strawberry leaves. Plus, the flowers were really cute, too. By the way, before you scroll down and look at the pictures, I'm gonna warn you, there'll be a lot (I mean a LOT) of pictures of strawberries... because they're just TOO PRETTY!

On our way to Bedner's Farm Fresh Market! I have on the RBF but I'm totally giddy on the inside!

A very toursit-y photo of me at Bedner's. 

 The cuzzos with the birthday boy!

Peek-a-boo, I see you, beauties!


I'm picking more.

Having fun with the cuzzo!

Actual candid photo of me picking strawberries and a very happy photo of me with a strawberry.

A strawberry portrait.

Can I eat you now, please?

My favorite photo of me with a strawberry.

Almost full! Look at them beauties!

My cousin with her bucket full of beauties (and her fake braid with flowers!)

We were deciding who picked the most strawberries.

My final bucket full of beauties.

So, there you go. After all the picking, we paid almost a hundred bucks for the four buckets of strawberries that we picked! But it was all worth it, because they were the best strawberries (especially with the chocolate fondue!!!). I'm so glad I took a lot of pictures of the strawberries. Haha! Hmmm... blogging about this makes me want to eat strawberries... dipped in chocolate AND/OR nutella... *cries*

Thanks for reading! God bless you!

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