Crush Tales

10:43 PM

Hey, how\"s it going pretties? Tonight, I felt the need to vomit words because I was reminded of an experience that I had in college. By the title of this post, you\"d know by now what it\"s about. So, allow me to get started with this post by saying, we\"ve all had crushes... if you don\"t, are you even human? Because when you\"re a human being, you have these weird stuff we call "feelings", and I think there\"s a part of our brain that operates for those "feelings"... so it\"s safe to say that having a crush is inevitable. You\"d be a liar if you say you haven\"t had a crush.

Ok, so I\"d like to ask you, have you done something that you think would really impress your crush? Or just even so he\"d notice you? BECAUSE I HAVE AND I THINK THAT WAS THE ONLY TIME I DID IT! Usually when I have a crush, I just let it be. By that I mean I don\"t do anything with my feelings toward my crush. I just, you know, admire from afar.

So, college. Fourth year. Our last theology subject in our curriculum. My friends and I got mixed up with an engineering class because we let one of our friends add the subject. Turns out, she added us to this particular class because one of her crushes was in that class. I don\"t know how she knew her crush\"s class, but she just did. That time, I really liked Troye Sivan but tried not to like him that much because I would just be disappointed. Because if you don\"t already know, he likes guys. But I still like him and his songs anyway. In that theology class, I saw this guy who kind of resembled Troye Sivan. I don\"t know, maybe I just loved Troye too much I see him everywhere, haha. But yeah, there was this guy who could pass for Troye Sivan\"s twin, and my eyes were starting to form into hearts. I don\"t really know when I started liking him. He\"s smart too! My best friend was very lucky she got to sit next to him the whole semester because we sat according to our last names. :(

But fate brought us together by the end of the semester, finally! Kidding! But maybe you can call that fate... or whatever. We were group mates for a reporting! The perfect opportunity to follow him on twitter! Sneaky sneaky me! Also, of course I had to follow him, and he had to follow me, because, how else would we communicate for our reporting? duh. (but I\"m all giddy inside lol). So yeah, with our other groupmates, we divided labor (aka reports). So in my report, it mentioned about the cold war between two neighboring countries. I didn\"t friggin know what that was all about. Actually, I thoroughly researched my part on the, OUR REPORT. All of it, because I didn\"t want to look stupid, not knowing the whole report. So I really did my research on everything about the report... even the minor things that were mentioned, like, again, the cold war. I really took the time to research and understand my report! GRABE EFFORT KO TEH! This was all so that he wouldn\"t think I\"m stupid.

Reporting day came. I don\"t remember if I got to report for our group first... but when it was my turn, damn! I really did well, I think. And then there I go, mentioning the cold war, and the teacher stopped me to ask what the cold was about. I thought to myself, "omg, this is my moment to prove to my crush that I studied my report, and that I am not stupid, and that I am prepared."...  he probably thought I didn\"t know about the cold war in Berlin because we spoke to answer our teacher at the same time, but our teacher let me answer because, duh \"twas part of my report. So I explained how it began, what it was, etcetera... and by the look on my teacher\"s face, I explained it well! Yay! I did it! And I did good on my report! YAAAAAAZ! FIREWORKS AND STUFF.  And me answering about the cold war was kind of like an "in your face" to my crush who didn\"t trust me on knowing all about it. LOL. But right now, if you ask me all about the cold war in Berlin, I wouldn\"t know a thing... because I already forgot. Hahaha

I still can\"t believe I really did that just so I\"d impress him. But I will never know if he really was impressed. I don\"t care now, though. I don\"t like him anymore. I added him on facebook, but last year I unfriended him and unfollowed him on twitter because... well, he\"s not my crush anymore. But of course, I\"ll always remember him because of that experience. My first time doing my best to get my crush to notice me, actually. I\"ve never done it before until that time. I don\"t know how true, but my friend was told my crush thought I was cute. And I guess, that\"s just what I\"ll be to him: cute. And I guess that\"s fine with me.

By the way, if you\"re reading this, crush (by the events of my story, you\"d know I\"m talking about you), hi. Have a good life. Thanks for thinking that I\"m cute, haha... IF you really thought that. I\"ll never really know.

Bye. xx

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